wtorek, 13 października 2020

Wieści z instagramu z okazji National Coming Out Day: Matt Bomer, Neil Patrick Harris, Ellen DeGeneres, Nate Berkus, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Antoni Porowski ...

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I look at this boy at this moment (I’m guessing I was about 13) and remember the immense sadness he felt. Despite having many positive things in his life, the underlying pain at having to hide who he was permeated everything. It’s appropriate that National Coming Out Day is happening the day after World Mental Health Day. I remember feeling considerable depression and anxiety brought on by the misconception that I wasn’t valuable or worthy as a result of my gayness. It still asserts itself today when that underlying hum of not feeling valuable tries to break through. Today, I say to this boy and to any others who are struggling to love and embrace who you are as LGBTQ folk that you are perfect. You are inherently valuable, equal to all others, and nothing, absolutely nothing, can diminish that unarguable truth. Come out when you are ready and know that we are all here to love you exactly as you are. Which, again, is perfect. #NationalComingOutDay #WorldMentalHealthDay

Post udostępniony przez Robert Gant (@robertgant)

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it’s #nationalcomingoutday. it’s a journey, not a destination. sometimes I still come out twice a day. a nurse saying what a good dad I am to let mom stay at home while Teddy gets his shots. the census taker, new co-worker, person chatting in line for coffee, whatever. it’s constant, and please know that the first time is the scariest, to whoever might be reading this that is currently struggling. my one wish would be that you are blessed with someone who will truly listen in your moment of supreme vulnerability, hear you, and wrap you in love after the first time you gain the courage to say “I’m _____.” my story was not straightforward, in and out of the closet, some destructive behavior. it took years to settle to a place where I could love myself. and we must also acknowledge that sometimes it’s just not safe to come out, or in your best interest. yet. but better days are ahead, give yourself license to take it one breath at a time. I could have never imagined all the beauty life had in store for me during those dark years isolated in “the closet.” here’s a few pics from my journey so far, which all started by confiding in a few friends in middle school. 🙏🏽 #comingout #husbands #twodads

Post udostępniony przez Dan Amboyer (@danamboyer)

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Są różne rodzaje szaf: wnękowe, pełne, do zabudowy, z drzwiami przesuwnymi, narożne, do samodzielnego montażu, grające, gdańskie, takie, przez które trafia się do Narnii. No i takie, z których się wychodzi. Najlepiej 11 października - w Dzień Coming Outu ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 W naszym społeczeństwie najczęściej zakłada się, że każda napotkana osoba jest heteroseksualna.Tak samo jest z tożsamością płciową. Zakładamy, że wszyscy czują się świetnie z tą płcią, którą dostali przy urodzeniu. Tylko że świat jest trochę bardziej skomplikowany! I nikt by o tym nie wiedział, gdyby osoby LGBT+ nie mówiły o sobie otwarcie. Wyjście z szafy albo coming out to właśnie powiedzenie komuś o swojej orientacji seksualnej lub tożsamości płciowej. Za każdym razem, kiedy ktoś mówi nam o tym, że jest gejem, lesbijką, osobą biseksualną lub transpłciową, rozbija uproszczony obraz świata, do którego nas przyzwyczajono. 💥 Dla obu stron może to być trudne, a nawet straszne. Możesz nie wiedzieć, jak się zachować, bo przecież nikt cię nigdy nie przygotował na taką sytuację… Jednak równie straszne jest bycie gejem, lesbijką, osobą biseksualną lub transpłciową i niemówienie o tym. Dlaczego? Bo orientacja i tożsamość płciowa są jednymi z naszych najbardziej podstawowych cech. W końcu decydują o tym, w kim się zakochamy, z kim założymy rodzinę i o tym, jaka jest nasza płeć. Wyobraź sobie ciągłe udawanie i życie w strachu, że ktoś cię „rozpozna” i zrobi ci krzywdę. To bardzo trudne i wyniszczające psychicznie. Niestety wiele osób LGBT+ po prostu boi się mówić o sobie otwarcie. Albo przez całe lata – a czasem nawet całe życie – udają, że są takie jak większość (czyli heteroseksualne lub cispłciowe), albo mówią o sobie tylko najbliższym, zaufanym osobom. Określenie „bycie w szafie” nie brzmi specjalnie groźnie, ale potrafi być naprawdę strasznym doświadczeniem. Przecież nikt nie powinien być gnębiony i zastraszany z powodu tego, kim jest. Zakończenie w komentarzu 👇

Post udostępniony przez Miłość Nie Wyklucza (@miloscniewyklucza)

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Today is National Coming Out Day. The concept of “coming out” is deeply personal and means something different to everyone. Today is not about pressuring people to come out; it’s about sharing stories, hope, resources, and showing people they're not alone. My brilliantly talented friend, Ramzy (@space.ram), and I poured our hearts into every word and design of this digital Coming Out Guide, made with love and respect for our community. My greatest hope is that these tips and resources may offer you some form of relief, structure, and hope as you think about coming out, or provide a meaningful resource you can share with anyone in your life who is on a coming out journey. We created this guide last year and will continue to update and share it every Coming Out Day. Show some love and support to everyone participating in Coming Out Day. In a world that too often politicizes who we are and who we love, our existence can offer a beacon of possibility for someone else. If you are struggling with your identity, please remember: You deserve love, respect, happiness, success, and support for being your authentic self. Take care of yourself, today and every day. Our world needs you. I’m sending love and hope. #ComingOutDay #NationalComingOutDay #NCOD #HelpOthersOut #LGBTQ #LGBT #Gay #ComingOut #comingoutadvice

Post udostępniony przez Raymond Braun (@raymondbraun)

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Today is #NationalComingOutDay and any excuse to celebrate that terrifying, freeing, and exciting experience is welcome. Though it can feel scary and even isolating in the moment, as gay men, coming out is one of the most important things we will go through together as part of the #LGBTQ+ community. Today is for all of us: whether we’re out, halfway out, or still in the closet, we must celebrate everything about ourselves that makes us who we are, no matter what society or even those close to us say. We’ll get to where we’re going one day. And until then, let’s remember to be proud of ourselves and each other. We’ve all come a long way 🌈. . . . . . . #husbands #gay #comingout #LGBT

Post udostępniony przez The Property Lovers (@pjandthomas)

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Happy #nationalcomingoutday🌈 Lil Kevin didn’t know how to name what he felt for awhile, but because he had incredible friends and family, he figured it out and is a raging homo. Thank god. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤎 Regardless if you’re out or not, or figuring things out and not sure what to call it, or are out loud and proud - there is no rule book. The only timeline that matters is whatever you want it to be. Figuring out who you are and the feeling like you have to make a declaration can be intimidating and scary, but there is a gigantic wonderful world out here that is ready to accept you with open arms, shoulders to cry or whatever it is you need whenever you need it. We need you, however or whoever you want to be. We need that person!

Post udostępniony przez Kevin McHale (@kevinmchale)

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here’s me the year i came out. i desperately needed a hug, but i’d never let you know. if i could write a letter to this kid, i'd tell him that what makes him feel different is exactly what he's going to someday celebrate. i'd tell him that being gay is normal, and that the way he navigates the world shouldn't be toned down for the comfort of others. i'd tell him that he only gets one life, and only one chance to live it up & live it loud. i wish i could go back in time 17 years to hug this dweeb & tell him how good it’s all gonna get. being me is the best gift i’ve ever given myself. & while coming out is great, you should do it on YOUR terms. #ComingOutDay is meant to encourage discussion, not put pressure on those not ready. take care of yourselves. 🏳️‍🌈 #nationalcomingoutday

Post udostępniony przez tyler oakley (@tyleroakley)

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happy #nationalcomingoutday 🏳️‍🌈 Today’s a very special day because it’s a day when we not only encourage those in our community who are having difficulty coming out of the closet to come join us in our big #LGBTQ + rainbow parade... But it’s also a day when we remind our out and proud friends and allies to show up for those in our community and in other communities who need help. Make sure everyone around you knows that you are an ally and that you can help if anyone needs it due to discrimination against their sexual orientation, Gender identity, skin color or “otherness” as these are often the things that keep people in the closet and keep them having to live a lie. from my own personal experience coming out was one of the greatest things to ever happen to me and I hope that for those of you who choose to come out today you have the exact same experience... I am very confident that you will. Remember change doesn’t happen overnight; it can take time, but when it comes to expressing your truth and being yourself any battle is worth the W. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I love you all so much. Also, Make sure you vote. 🗳 registration #linkinbio 🌈

Post udostępniony przez Frankie James Grande (@frankiejgrande)

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#NationalComingOutDay .... Today I stand with you no matter what your decision is. We are all born with the right to be ourselves and protect our humanity. We have feelings that deserve respect and we need to know we belong like everyone else. I’m here to tell you that not only do you belong but you are loved and supported! I see you and I applaud you for just being YOU! #BeFree “It took many years of vomiting up all the filth I'd been taught about myself, and half-believed, before I was able to walk on the earth as though I had a right to be here.” - James Baldwin. “I have the right! You have the right! We all have the right!” - Billy Porter - - - - #LGBTQ #LGBTQ+ #BillyPorter #Pose #ComingOutDay #Love #LoveIsLove #LoveYourself #SelfCare #Support

Post udostępniony przez Billy Porter (@theebillyporter)

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The first time I came out was as a lesbian when I was 16. Desperate to belong somewhere and clearly attracted to women, I felt that the lesbian community might welcome me, which it did for over a decade. . . Coming out as trans 10 years later, I had known for a long time that was who I really was, it just seemed so much harder to get the words out. . . When younger trans folk message feeling that their lives are slipping by, terrified as puberty looms but equally scared to come out and get the help they need, it breaks my heart that we still live in a world where ‘coming out’ holds so much trepidation. . . Similarly, when older trans people message asking if it’s too late for them to come out to family and friends and begin to live their lives fully, I feel sadness that any of us still needs to ‘declare’ or ‘confess’ our otherness. . . On this #ComingOutDay I wish the very best to anyone coming out today, and that all goes well. For those still deliberating, take your time and do it only when it feels right to YOU. Sending love to you all!❤️🌈❤️🌈❤️🌈 . . #nationalcomingoutday #lgbt #trans #transgender #beautiful #queer #model #tbt #transformation #happy #motivation #inspiration #norush

Post udostępniony przez Jake Graf (@jake_graf5)

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Love is LOVE 🌈♥️ #nationalcomingoutday @iamalexsykes

Post udostępniony przez WS (@iamwandasykes)

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Dwie na pięć osób LGBT+ w Unii Europejskiej czuje się nękana z powodu swojej orientacji lub tożsamości seksualnej - w Międzynarodowym Dniu Wychodzenia z Szafy🏳️‍🌈 przypominamy wyniki badania Agencji Praw Podstawowych Unii Europejskiej, w którym wzieło udział 140 000 osób z wszystkich krajów UE oraz Serbii i Macedonii Północnej. Link do raportu z badań (w języku angielskim) znajdziecie na naszym Facebooku O tym jak wygląda obecnie sytuacja osób LGBT+ porozmawiamy w piątek podczas webinarium z udziałem m.in. komisarz ds. równości @dallihelena i rzecznika praw obywatelskich @adbodnar. Zachęcamy do oglądania transmisji wideo na naszym Facebooku lub kanale YouTube #ComingOutDay #DzieńWychodzeniaZSzafy #LGBTIsurvey #PrideNotPrejudice #HumanRights #PrawaCzłowieka #LGBTtoludzie #UnionOfEquality #EU4LGBTI 🇪🇺

Post udostępniony przez Komisja Europejska w Polsce (@komisjaeuropejska)

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