wtorek, 14 maja 2019

Wieści z Instagramu: Love is Love, Barbra Streisand, Queerowy Maj, Adam Lambert, Gays With Kids ...

“The best thing about fatherhood is that we always thought we’d be shaping a child’s life and making them better. But in fact, what we’ve learned is that children are sent to their parents to make them better. Leah makes us better humans and daddies every day.” • Dads Josh and Corey met in February 2006, were engaged a year later, and in April 2008, they married. The chose to become dads through the foster system and help children in need of a loving home. After being matched with a sibling group of four, and bonding with them for a year, sadly, that placement fell through. In November 2016, everything changed when they received a call about a child in need of home. They had 15 minutes to make a decision, the dads said yes, and darted from their school jobs, and met the love of their lives. • “On March 7, 2018, we made it official and completed our puzzle,” shared Corey. “Leah became ours forever, and we became hers.”
Post udostępniony przez Gays With Kids (@gays_with_kids)

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Post udostępniony przez ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert)

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Post udostępniony przez Barbra Streisand (@barbrastreisand)

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