poniedziałek, 12 sierpnia 2019

Wieści z Instagramu: Love is Love, Jestem LGBT, Grupa Stonewall, Gays With Kids, Raymond Braun ...

In November last year, Ottawa-based husbands Matt and Rej (whose story we shared in July) became first-time dads through surrogacy. They were overjoyed to welcome their daughter Andy and become a family of three. • But as many of us know, raising a child isn't always just about the nuclear family. The African proverb "it takes a village to raise a child" is a commonly repeated phrase, and rings very true for many families. Matt and Rej are no different, and when they shared their story last month, one thing jumped out to us: the important role Andy's guncles play in her and her dads' lives. • In honor of Gay Uncles Day today, we reached out to some of Andy's many guncles to learn first-hand how their relationship with the family affects their lives. Click the link in our bio to find out what they had to say. 🌈🧔🏽👨🏻👶🏻🧔🏼👨🏽🌈
Post udostępniony przez Gays With Kids (@gays_with_kids)

It all started three years ago in August: the Internet lit up with the hashtag #GayUnclesDay, accompanied by countless adorable pictures of gay men beaming for the camera alongside their nieces and nephews. And just like that, another fake holiday was born. • But National Gay Uncles Day is not just another silly social media antic — beneath all the smiling pictures is a message that is at best aspirational — from gay men who dream of parenthood but haven't been able to make it happen for themselves —and at worst, for the many gay men not allowed in the lives of their siblings' children, a reminder of how far we have yet to go. • So yes, it's a made up holiday — but one we're more than happy to support. So a very happy Gay Uncles Day to us all! 🙌🧔🏾🧔🏼🌈 Click the link in our bio to read about these fabulous featured guncles! 💁🏻‍♂️
Post udostępniony przez Gays With Kids (@gays_with_kids)

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A few weeks ago, participants in the first ever Pride march in Bialystok, Poland were assaulted by mobs throwing bricks, stones, fireworks, and rotten food. LGBTQ+ people were chased down, beaten, and humiliated. A chilling video spread throughout the country of a young boy being stomped on by a group of grown men. This happened after more than 30 localities across Poland attempted to pass legislation declaring their region LGBT-free. . Last month, Yelena Grigoryeva was fatally stabbed after being listed on a Russian website that publishes the addresses of LGBTQ+ activists and encourages people to “hunt” them, inspired by the torture film, "Saw.” Russia enforces some of the most anti-LGBTQ+ laws in the world, including a “gay propaganda” law that has intensified stigma, harassment, and violence. . For more than two years, the Chechen government has been torturing and and killing gay and bisexual men; ordering citizens to publicly disown and even kill LGBTQ+ family members; and incentivizing gay and bisexual men to turn on each other and out anyone in the closet. . Prague Pride is a beacon for LGBTQ+ people from these countries and across Eastern Europe. I was honored to participate in the Pride March alongside local activists and organizers, to demonstrate solidarity and support for our LGBTQ+ family fleeing violence, oppression, and discrimination around the world. Same-sex sexual activity is a crime in 70 countries (nearly 40% of the world’s population) and can get you a death sentence in nine. . Every time I attend Pride, I think about everyone who can’t, whether they’re in the closet, don’t have access to a Pride, or choose to not attend because they don’t feel comfortable, included, and/or safe. . I love the celebration of Pride. There’s something magic and cathartic about being in a space where people can hopefully just *exhale* and experience the exhilaration of being celebrated for exactly who you are. I am marching for everyone who does not have that opportunity. . We are part of a global LGBTQ+ family, and we’ll continue speaking out until we are all free. . Get Involved: @amnesty, @humanrightswatch, @humanrightscampaign, @glaad, @voices4_, @adameli
Post udostępniony przez Raymond Braun (@raymondbraun)

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Misza und ich kennen uns über das Forum of #LGBT Christians in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Heute haben wir gemeinsam in #Płock am #MarchForEquality teilgenommen - wenige Tage nach den gewaltsamen Ausschreitungen beim March for Equality in Białystok, wo Böller, Flaschen und Steine auf die Demonstrierenden flogen. Die Menschen, die ich die letzten Tage in Polen getroffen habe, haben mir erzählt, wie der Hass auf LGBTIQ+ Menschen in den letzten Monaten deutlich zugenommen hat. Immer wieder ist in der öffentlichen Debatte die Rede von einer Bedrohung Polens durch die "Homo-Ideologie". Der Erzbischof von Krakau hat vor wenigen Tagen von einer "Regenbogen-Plage" gesprochen, in Anknüpfung an die "Rote Plage" zur Zeit der Kommunisten. Ein Magazin, das im Zeitschriftenladen gut einsehbar auslag, sprach vom "Regenbogen-Anschluss" und verglich die Präsenz der "Homo-Ideologie" mit der Präsenz des Nationalsozialismus in Polen. Zugleich haben manche Bezirke sich offiziell als "LGBT(-Ideologie)-freie Zonen" erklärt. Ein Grund für das Erstarken des Hasses sind die Parlamentswahlen im Herbst. Die Regierungspartei möchte sich als Verteidiger Polens präsentieren - und scheut nicht davor, Nationalsozialismus, Kommunismus und die "LGBT-Ideologie" in einer Reihe zu nennen und letztere als vergleichbare Gefahr auszugeben. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Was mich berührt, ist das Engagement derjenigen, die sich von dem erstarkten Hass nicht mundtot machen lassen - Menschen, die auf die Straße gehen; Menschen, die sich zuhause mit anderen vernetzen und Orte für Austausch und Vertrauen schaffen; Menschen, die wie heute trotz all des Hasses der Liebe ihre Stimme, ihre Hände und Füße geben. Mit vielen berührenden und bewegenden Eindrücken geht es nach 10 Tagen Polen nun zurück nach #Lübeck. Noch 7 Tage bis zur #luebeckpride. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #lgbtchristians #lgbtq🌈 #liebeiststärkeralshass #liebe #mut #courage #equality #celebratepride #lübeckpride #CSDLübeck #csd #lübeckliebe #waspfarrersomachen #evangelisch #reformiert #reformiertekirche #ökumenisch #engagement #change #wandel #vereintuntermregenbogen #wiaraitecza #wiarąitęcza #paradarownosci #marszrownosci
Post udostępniony przez Fabian Brüder (@emilschautsichum)

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Post udostępniony przez Robbie Rogers (@robbierogers)

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