czwartek, 27 czerwca 2019

Wieści z Instagramu: Love is Love, Pride Month, Gays With Kids, The Stonewall Inn, Frankie Grande, Jakub i Dawid ...

25 years ago: “At that New York Pride, gay life was celebrated in the face of death. We saw men marching with dark Kaposi sarcoma lesions on their bared chests. We saw young men leaning on canes, too sick to walk, watching the parade from the sidelines. Men blind with cytomegalovirus loudly singing along to "Pride ­­– A Deeper Love" coming from the floats. We chanted and cried and watched a giant rainbow flag being carried along Fifth Avenue. And in our cut-off jeans and Timberland boots, we danced to Aretha and Whitney.” • In honor of the 50th anniversary of #Stonewall, Gays With Kids co-founder @ferdvangameren explains what "pride" has come to mean to him over the years, reflecting on Pride marches from 25 years ago, to becoming a dad of three kids. • Click the link in our bio to read his story.🌈
Post udostępniony przez Gays With Kids (@gays_with_kids)

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Uprzejmie informujemy, iż zgodnie z orzeczeniem Trybunału Konstytucyjnego i przysługującym nam w jego mocy prawem, od dnia 25 czerwca w naszych apartamentach nad morzem nie przyjmujemy gości, którzy: - są członkami, bądź sympatykami Prawa i Sprawiedliwości - są sędziami dublerami w Trybunale Konstytucyjnym - są pracownikami, lub słuchaczami Radia Maryja - są członkami Ruchu Narodowego lub wyznają poglądy faszystowskie - są wiernymi widzami "Wiadomości" Telewizji Polskiej lub TVP Info i identyfikuje się z treściami przekazywanymi w tych mediach. A kategoryczny zakaz zbliżania się do naszych mieszkań mają bliźniaki jednojajowe, które obchodziły 70-te urodziny 18 czerwca i mają 168 cm wzrostu. #sprawadrukarza #trybunalniekonstytucyjny #koniec #boimysienienazarty #lgbt🌈 #wyrok #hanba
Post udostępniony przez jakubidawid (@jakubidawid)

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Four years ago today, June 26, 2015, was one of the best days of my life. The Supreme Court released their historic Obergefell v. Hodges decision, which made marriage equality the law of the land across the United States. This was a huge milestone in our collective fight for cultural visibility, acceptance, and equality, representing the culmination of so much hard work and persistence. I was in awe to be there for a moment that’ll be in the history books for years to come. . A few months before this historic day, I took a leave of absence from my job to volunteer for a variety of LGBTQ+ organizations and non-profits who were working on marriage equality advocacy, education, and media visibility projects. The Supreme Court doesn't tell you in advance which decisions they will release on which dates, so I basically relocated to Washington, D.C. for the month of June and stood on the steps of the court every morning they were set to release a decision, hoping this would be the day. I am so happy I was able to be there with my good friends @rhodesaaron and @rhodesaustin to experience this moment. It's difficult to describe my emotions and how much this decision meant to me. These videos say it all. #LoveWins
Post udostępniony przez Raymond Braun (@raymondbraun)

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to my best friend on her golden birthday, i love you with all of my heart. thank you for ALWAYS making me smile. for always ALWAYS being there for me. for lifting me up when i was down. for ALWAYS believing in me, even when i couldn’t believe in myself... i am alive today because you have been the greatest sister a man could have ever asked or hoped for. if i could cast a patronus it would ABSOLUTELY HAVE A HIGH PONYTAIL. 😋 and know i will ALWAYS be there for you... I missed your birthday once cause i was getting my ass sober and i promised i would never miss another... so i am getting my sober ass on a plane and i will be there for you soon. ✈️ i am so proud of you ariana... now. forever. always. ✨ happy happy happy happy birthday... i know it will be filled with love light and joy, and i can’t wait to celebrate with you! 👯🎂
Post udostępniony przez Frankie James Grande (@frankiejgrande)

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