środa, 16 sierpnia 2017

Wieści z Instagramu: Yga Kostrzewa, Cheyenne Jackson, Dustin Lance Black, Wiktor Korszla, Łukasz Jemioł ...

Post udostępniony przez Cheyenne Jackson (@mrcheyennejackson)

Post udostępniony przez Attitude magazine (@attitudemag)
Kochani, wiem ze to jeden z najwaznieszych dni w Waszym zyciu. Wspolnym zyciu, kiedy slubujecie sobie milosc, az do smierci. Napisalem tekst, w sumie trzy zwrotki, bo refrenu raczej nie trzeba tlumaczyc na jezyk polski... nie bylem zadowolony ze znanego juz tlumaczenia piosenki Cohena "Hallelujah". Utwor ten wykonuje podczas ceremonii slubnych w Warszawie i okolicach. Moze ktos z Was juz mial okazje ja uslyszec w moim wykonaniu? Niebawem udostepnie nagranie studyjne, tak abyscie mogli posluchac calego utworu z moim autorskim tekstem. A teraz zapraszam do posluchania pierwszej zwrotki... PS: Jesli chcecie sprawic prezent swoim przyjaciolom i zaprosic mnie abym zaspiewal na ich slubie, piszcie. Zawsze moge tez napisac spersonalizowany tekst o ich milosci 😊 #song #singer #wedding #magic #hallelujah #polishboy #polishguy
Post udostępniony przez Wiktor Korszla (@wiktor_korszla)
Post udostępniony przez lukaszjemiol (@lukaszjemiol)
‪ ‬ LEFT: 2010 photo (using Hipstamatic!), 5 months on T. 8 months post top surgery. vs RIGHT: 2017 photo this morning, 7 years on T, 7.5 years after top surgery. . You want my amazing transgender transformation? Here it is, 7 years in the making. On the left I was about to compete in my first Ironman race. I was working my tail off putting in 1-2 workouts a day for the first time ever. It was my 2nd year racing triathlon. I remember taking this photo & for one of the first times ever really seeing myself. . As I've said before there are still days when a current photo catches me off guard, when I see the person who, when I was younger, I always imagined I would grow to be. This is wild in this side-by-side - I have seen that person for 7 years now & it still surprises me! . As an athlete I'm often asked how testosterone has "improved my performance" & what "competitive advantages" I've gained. I've been dedicated to my sport for 8 seasons & have put in the work to be the very best I can be. You'll see there is not a big difference between 5 months & 7 years for me. I gained 10% of my body weight (12 lbs) in year 1; I'm the same weight today. Most significantly, T produced the subtle change hanges (particularly for a lean guy) like my voice deepening, which made me more comfortable & less self-conscious in the male spaces where I knew I belonged. . Some people have huge transformations & we love seeing & celebrating them every #tbt. For me: I've been closely aligned with who I knew myself to be well before "transition" & I've expressed myself in this way (sometimes to the detriment of my safety) since being pre-T. . There's no singular way to be a transgender person or a transathlete. If you change 10% or do a total 180 in appearance, there's no wrong way. There's no right way either, so don't compare yourself to others. Be unapologetically you, for as many minutes of the day as you can, starting right now if you haven't already. Try to align your vision of yourself deep within with what you see every day in the mirror. It's closer than you think. . #transformationtuesday #transition #transgender #ftm #transathlete #transguy #transman #thisiswhattranslookslike
Post udostępniony przez thechrismosier (@thechrismosier)
Post udostępniony przez Nyle DiMarco (@nyledimarco)
Post udostępniony przez Michael Lucas 🇱🇷🇮🇱 (@michaellucasnyc)
Post udostępniony przez Bibbi Deg (@bibbideg)

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