środa, 5 grudnia 2018

Wieści z Instagramu: Miłość Nie Wyklucza, Gays With Kids, Tom Daley, Love is Love, Krzyś i Grześ ...

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“Great things come in twos: salt and pepper, Laurel and Hardy, Yin and Yang, Saturday and Sunday, Batman and Robin, socks (although the washing machine always seem to swallow one in a cycle), chopsticks and Twix bars. But best of all TWO DADS!” - @shimonbohbout 👬❤️🌈 • Dads Shimon and Chris are all about the power of two, but as the dads of triplets, they also know about the magic of three! 👧🏻👦🏻👦🏻 “Eight years ago, we were blessed with triplets ... our home is a constant reminder that life is so much better when you’re not riding solo. Fatherhood has taught us both to be patient, tolerant, motivated and more committed than ever before.” ❤️ • And what are the most important lesson these Singapore🇸🇬-based dads are teaching their triplets? “To be tolerant and kind to others; to be accepting of diversity and to give them the skills to be adaptable in any environment is what rainbow families are all about.” 🙌💕🌈
Post udostępniony przez Gays With Kids (@gays_with_kids)

1 komentarz:

  1. Nie chcę mieć możliwości wzięcia ślubu z moją kochanką. Nie chcę by zmuszano mnie do myślenia o sobie, że jestem kimś kim nie jestem. Oczekuję prawa do bycia zepsutą, pomyłką, błedną...co nie znaczy ,że gorszą, lepszą. Jestem potrzebna temu światu taka jaka jestem , może by on zrozumiał jak ma wiele.
