piątek, 12 października 2018

Wieści z Instagramu: Gays With Kids, Adam Eli, Coming Out Day, Paweł Rabiej, Robbie Rogers, Ellen i Portia, Nate Berkus, Gus Kenworthy ...

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Dads share their coming out stories in honor of #NationalComingOutDay. 🌈 • From @jayslats: “It was Thanksgiving and I was a Junior in college. I was home for the holidays and I had already come out to my friends at school but felt ashamed / couldn’t be myself in my own home. • My dad had passed away a few years earlier, so I was afraid to lose my other parent in the process of coming out. • Eventually, my mom could see how sad and depressed I was and kept pushing the topic of what was wrong. Eventually, I told her my secret, we cried and she asked a lot of questions. It obviously took her some time to get use to the idea of having a gay son, but she’s never looked back and is my biggest supporter. • Advice - you have to be ready for any outcome. It may take you a long time or a short time to come out... there is no time limit. But, it is important for you to live your authentic truth and be proud of who you are. • I never thought in a million years that I would be able to marry and have a kid...but being authentic has given me so much more in life.”
Post udostępniony przez Gays With Kids (@gays_with_kids)

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Dads share their coming out stories in honor of #NationalComingOutDay. 🌈 • From @huntedtrain: “I came out to my parents when I was 15 years old. It was one of the hardest things I did. I remember the tremble in my voice, the tears running down my face and the tightness in my chest. • My parents listened and asked questions like how long I’ve had these feelings and if I’ve acted on these feelings before. At the time I hadn’t but I knew I was not attracted to women. • Immediately after telling them I felt a calm feeling come over me. I was at peace and finally truthful to myself. • Now, living in Utah, the Mormon church is very prominent, so my parents wanted to put me into counseling to make sure I was making the right choice. I went to a few sessions and I was told I could learn to suppress my feelings and become a normal person in society. They wanted me to pretend to be someone I’m not. I fought with my inner thoughts about this and ultimately decided to be true to myself. • The advice I’d have for others is always be true to yourself and don’t let society pick who you can or can’t be. Living a life of lies to fit in is not living life at all. • So much has changed in just the past 5 years when it comes to gay rights. Stand up, be honest with yourself, and be proud of who you are!”
Post udostępniony przez Gays With Kids (@gays_with_kids)


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Dads share their coming out stories in honor of #NationalComingOutDay. 🌈 • From @real_dads_of_neworleans: “At the age of 20, I was engaged to a woman. I was in college and at the time really was trying to convince myself that I was straight. During that time I met a friend who was gay. He began having conversations with me about his own coming out story and it unlocked a part of me that I hid for so long. It was that next year when the engagement was called off and I met a group of gay men who took me in and really introduced me to gay bars, dinner parties, my first PRIDE and true friendship. • The following year on New Year’s Eve, I begin to feel that if I didn’t share this big secret with my family, that I would explode. I have always been close to my family, especially my mother, and hiding this felt wrong. At midnight I called my sister and simply said the words....”I’m gay”. • The next day I got a call from my mom asking me to come over for dinner. I arrived and she immediately took me into her arms and told me, “You’re going to be okay, and I’m always going to love and I’m always going to support you.” • I’d waited to hear those words forever. It gave me permission to live my truth and to allow myself to be happy. Different members of my family had different feelings about it and I lost a lot of friends, but I had to go through that to really find the people who would support me and who would always accept me. • My advice to anyone struggling to come out is to take baby steps. Find those people in your life who you know are going to lift you up and love you no matter what. Surround yourself early on with people like you and don’t let fear or what others may think block you from finding your own happiness. The other side of the rainbow is filled with amazing memories, love and endless possibilities.”
Post udostępniony przez Gays With Kids (@gays_with_kids)

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Obchodzimy dzisiaj Dzień Coming Outu. Co roku wypada on 11 października i powstał dla podkreślenia, jak ważne jest, aby osoby LGBT+ otwarcie mówiły o swej orientacji i o ważnych dla siebie sprawach, gdyż dla homofobicznej nienawiści najlepszym nawozem są milczenie i niewiedza. Dziś ogłaszamy zrobienie kolejnego kroku, by im przeciwdziałać. W maju 2018 roku na antenie Telewizji Polsat News Kaja Godek nazwała osoby homoseksualne „zboczonymi". Tym samym znieważyła je, naruszyła ich godność i dobra osobiste. Nigdy za te słowa nie przeprosiła. Dlatego wczoraj, 10 października, szesnaście osób ze społeczności LGBT+ zdecydowało się złożyć wspólny pozew przeciwko Kai Godek. Wśród osób tych są aktywiści i aktywistki LGBT+ (w tym aktywistki Stowarzyszenia Miłość Nie Wyklucza), prawnicy i prawniczki, artyści i dziennikarze. Obsługę prawną pro bono zapewnia radca prawny Wojciech Kozłowski. Domagają się, aby Kaja Godek wydała specjalne oświadczenie zawierające przeprosiny, emitowane m.in. w Polsat News. Więcej informacji na nasz profilu na Facebooku oraz stronie https://mnw.org.pl/press/nazwala-osoby-homoseksualne-zboczonymi-pozew-zbiorowy-przeciwko-kai-godek/ #pozew #sąd #miloscniewyklucza #mnw #malzenstwadlawszystkich #rownoscmalzenska #equalityforall #humanrights #lambdawarszawa #lesbian #gay #bisexual #transgender #queer #lgbt #lgbtcommunity #human #loveislove #lovewins
Post udostępniony przez Miłość Nie Wyklucza (@miloscniewyklucza)

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I mamy kolejnego wyoutowanego kandydata w wyborach. 🙂 To Patryk Wydurski, @patrykwydurski. „Hej, Repliko, Piszę do Was, ponieważ kandyduję w zbliżających się wyborach samorządowych do sejmiku województwa mazowieckiego w okręgu płockim z list Partii Zieloni na miejscu nr 5. Od kilku lat angażuję się w życie społeczne i polityczne będąc członkiem Partia Zieloni i Amnesty International Polska. Przez dwa lata sprawowałem funkcję przewodniczącego w Stowarzyszenie Ostra Zieleń tj. młodzieżówce Zielonych. Aktywnie wspieram i biorę udział w wydarzeniach o tematyce LGBTQ . Z poziomu samorządu chciałbym propagować kulturę LGBTQ, wspierając i organizując warsztaty, spotkania oraz zajęcia dla młodzieży. Z pozdrowieniami, Patryk Wydurski” Patryk, dzięki, trzymamy kciuki i życzymy powodzenia 21 października. 🏳️‍🌈 Wszystkich kandydatów/tki LGBTQ, którzy chcą się u nas zaprezentować, zachęcamy - redakcja@replika-online.pl lub magazynLGBTQreplika@gmail.com. Najnowszy nr @magazynlgbtqreplika dostępny na Allegro: - w wersji cyfrowej: https://allegro.pl/replika-75-lgbt-wrze-paz-wersja-elektroniczna-pdf-i7585383530.html, - w wersji papierowej: https://allegro.pl/replika-75-magazyn-lgbt-wrzesien-pazdziernik-2018-i7589748311.html. Prenumerata: http://replika-online.pl/prenumerata/. #biseksualizm #bisexual #comingout #gay #gej #lesbian #lesbijka #lgbt #lgbtq #wyborysamorządowe #wyborysamorządowe2018
Post udostępniony przez Magazyn LGBTQ Replika (@magazynlgbtqreplika)

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Happy #NationalComingOutDay everybody! That doesn't mean that today is intended to pressure anybody to come out before they're ready. Instead today is a gentle reminder to us all to live our lives honestly and authentically and not allow anybody else's expectations to force us into silence. Coming out is an extremely personal journey that each person should do on their own time when they feel ready, safe and comfortable. There is no "right" way nor a right time to come out. It's all up to you! If you happen to be struggling in the closet then I hope today can be a beacon of hope for you. Click the hashtag to see and read stories of others who have walked the same trail that you're maybe now just finding yourself embarking on. Sometimes it can feel like a tough path to walk but I promise it will be worth it in the end. There is no feeling more liberating, fulfilling or freeing than accepting and acknowledging who you are and then sharing your true self with the world. We all deserve to live our lives authentically and unabashedly. When you live your truth, unafraid and unapologetically, you make it easier for someone else to do so. Representation is how we break down barriers, combat discrimination, and make positive change in the world. Although you may feel alone in the closet there is a community out there that sees you, hears you and not only accepts you but is actually waiting with open arms to embrace you. Good luck! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Post udostępniony przez gus kenworthy (@guskenworthy)
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1 year ago today. 💍 There is no preparation for understanding the joy that comes on your wedding day. The love radiating forth from each face was unlike anything I’d experienced. Moments throughout the day, however intricately orchestrated, breathed their own life with a wild surprise beyond expectation. We only decreed that we would strive to stay absolutely present throughout the whirlwind, even if things happened to veer off the rails (And they did! We got trapped in a burning Battery Tunnel en route from Brooklyn to our church and missed our ceremony’s start time by almost an hour, and also, we had a lovely wedding cake...however not exactly the one I ordered! 🤣) I wouldn’t change one thing now. Thank you to all of our friends and family who blessed our nuptials and perhaps traveled great distance in support of us, to all who shared your creativity, voices, and art throughout the day—what a difference to have each flower laid with a new family member’s loving hand, each hair put into place by a dear confidante, or each verse voiced by your oldest friends. That was incredibly special to me. And also, thank you to my friends here on the web (even though we may have never met!)—coming out publicly felt like it could have gone two ways—and the outpouring of support and celebration was beyond the best case scenario of my imagination. I think we still have a ways to go for acceptance in the entertainment industry and beyond, but we, en masse, will continue chipping down those walls. Today, Eric is en route back from a Minnesota business trip, and then will travel upstate to join me for a quiet homemade dinner tonight in the woods, alongside a beautiful rambling brook. Just the two us today. We are very blessed.
Post udostępniony przez Dan Amboyer (@danamboyer)

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