wtorek, 4 czerwca 2019

Wieści z Instagramu: Love is Love, Gays With Kids, Robert Biedroń, Pride Month, Zachary Quinto ...

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“"Gay Boy Watson." That was my playground nickname in 4th grade. I didn't even know what being gay meant and I certainly didn't know that I was gay myself. But because I had a different voice than most boys, liked different activities than other boys- that was my identity and that would stick with me until I left for college. In middle school, I started to feel attraction and think that they were right about me. That because I liked boys, I was somehow lesser. So I buried those feelings. I buried them deep. I played the part that everybody wanted me to play, though not very well. I knew who I was inside but was scared of what people would think of me, what people would do to me if I came out. Those feelings manifested themselves in various ways- depression, anger… Things all changed when I went to college. I was away from those who had tormented me my whole life and could start fresh. I remember when I first told someone I was gay. It was Welcome Week and I was hanging out with my roommate's friends and one of them asked "are you gay?" After a brief pause, I responded "yes." Nobody in the room blinked an eye, not even my straight roommate. I was stunned. Why weren't they whispering? Why didn't my roommate call me a name and demand a new roommate? That moment was freeing. I was living as my authentic self for the first time and was in a better headspace than I had been since 4th grade. My parents have always been very open and accepting and I knew that they wouldn’t care if it was a guy or a girl that I brought home. Yet I still worried that if they knew, maybe it would get out and I'd be "outed.” I came out to my parents over Christmas break that year after coming home with a hickie from my then boyfriend (oops) and they literally just said "okay" and moved on with the conversation. Fast forward 8 years, I am married (to the sexiest man alive- alright, he made me write that, but it is true), have traveled the world, own a condo, and am living a life I love.” - @_greg_watson_ by @joybyjo
Post udostępniony przez Queerty (@queerty)

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“🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride Month!!🏳️‍🌈 It's a great time to reflect on how far the LGBTQ community has come. I hope we all take time to thank those who have bravely come before so that we could enjoy the rights and safety of being who we are today. We still have a ways to go before LGBTQ people around the world are treated with equality, but great strides have been made in the 50 years since Stonewall. . I attended my first Pride 5 years ago. When I first became a dad I never thought I'd have kids who would excitedly point out every rainbow flag they see, and who find it no big deal to tell their friends that their dad is gay. I've come a long way from the fear and shame I had back then over who I am, and Pride serves as an annual reminder of where I'm at now and of those who played a part in my journey. . Pride is for everyone. Let's remember to love unapologetically, strive to be more inclusive of those who are different or marginalized, and practice radical self-love. 🌈” - @dadndaddies . 📸 @thatmayagirlphotography
Post udostępniony przez Queerty (@queerty)

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#pride to us means the ability to express yourself freely without discomfort. We believe that anyone and everyone should be able to live their lives in a nonjudgmental world surrounded by people that love and support them🏳️‍🌈 . We understand that not everyone has the same luxury as we do. There are struggles that are far beyond what we could ever imagine for members of the LGBTQ+ family and our hearts go out to you!💕 . We created this Instagram to share our love in hopes that it may change 1 person’s mind on how they view homosexuality. The overwhelming love and support we have received from each and every one of you is beyond anything we could have ever dreamt of! We love you all and let’s focus on spreading LOVE and not hate for not only the #pridemonth of June, but also for the rest of your lives!👬 . In the comments below, tell us what pride means to you!❤️
Post udostępniony przez Nick & Grant (@nickandgrant)

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